Last March 2014, Dr. Horacio Ferreira Rueda, SURPETROL CEO, was appointed member of the Ecopetrol Board of Directors, as
a hydrocarbon-producer departmentĀ“s representative by the General Shareholders' Congress of Ecopetrol SA.
Dr. Ferreira is a professional in petroleum engineering with over 20 years of experience in management and oil fields
handling. He has high experience in optimizing production through the cutting edge technology application which has given
technical and economic value to the oil fielddevelopments worldwide. He is the author of several technical publications
on reservoir engineering and applied production to the oil industry and recognized specialist in multiphase flow
Without a doubt, this is a very important appointment and recognition to his work, since Ecopetrol is Colombia's
largest company ranked among the 50 largest oil companies in the world and among the top four in Latin America.